What I think is happening is that the mild pollen reaction is taking up some of my recovered capacity, and I am more reactive to other pollutants in the air.
This was especially noticeable this morning when I left the apartment to go do an errand, and there was a very detectable chemical odor in the air. I started getting short of breath just getting into my car. As soon as I got away from the chemical smell, my reaction settled back down. I think the lawn crew had sprayed something. Fortunately the odor had dissipated by the time I returned.
I've also been doing some re-arranging inside the apartment and stirring up a fair amount of dust.
The feline staff have been getting rather upset about the changes. Jackson was letting me know that he wanted the fabric put back in the shelves - NOW.
I did manage to get some chores done, and it is getting easier to get more basic actions done every week. Instead of two steps forward and three steps backward, it's been more like two steps forward and one step backwards.
I won't lie, I do find my lack of capacity frustrating. Just a couple years ago I was able to walk for miles, ride horses, work all day, lift heavy boxes and far more. Now I can barely walk across the parking lot.
Despite having some tough days, my plan is to continue on my program of a cleaner environment, healthier food, exercise as tolerated and far more production to improve finances.